Captivating wooden donkey sculpture, masterfully crafted by Luis Pablo, one of the most talented artists from Oaxaca. The...
Wonderful long-legged pig sculpture created by top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo. The figure is beautifully designed. The pig...
Amazing fable sculpture featuring a turtle and a rabbit by top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo.  The figures are carved...
Luis Pablo is considered one of the top Oaxacan wood carving masters. He is known for his realistic...
Gorgeous little lavender resting hippo by top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo. Luis Pablo is certainly one of the...
Luis Pablo is considered one of the top wood carving artists in Oaxaca. This time Luis Pablo created...
Stunning large seal woodcarving by top Oaxaca woodcarving artist Luis Pablo.  Luis is recognized for his innovative wood...
This stunning jackalope was crafted by the talented master carver Luis Pablo. The jackalope, a mythical creature from North American...
Top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo created this impressive octopus with little hand-carved red fishes.  Luis Pablo is one...
Gorgeous one-piece woodcarving sculpture of an Australian Koala by top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo.  He is one of the...
 Fabulous Paloma wood sculpture by top Oaxacan artist Luis Pablo. The dove is carved in a contemporary angular style...
Stunning Panda wood sculpture by top Oaxaca artist Luis Pablo. He adorned it with a painted design in...