Adrian Xuana, a renowned woodcarver from the Xuana family, began woodcarving at the young age of 15 in...
Fantastic micro-miniature beetle car with a little elephant driving it and a zebra passenger. This miniature set is amazingly carved...
Extraordinary skeletons rodeo scene woodcarving by Oaxaca top artist Agustin Cruz. This fabulous scene features a skeleton bull rider with his...
Extraordinary Day of the Dead woman skeleton with her skeleton Xolo dog set by artist Agustin Cruz. The woman...
Absolutely stunning wood-carved tzompantli by Oaxaca artist Agustin Cruz. Agustin created this magnificent piece featuring at the center...
Agustin Roque created this very attractive Xolo dog sculpture. The painting of the dog is beautiful, precise, and well designed....
Have you ever seen a better-dressed owl? This lovely alebrije was created by artist Agustin Roque. The suit...
Exquisite flower skull by Oaxacan woodcarving artist Agustin Roque. This Day of the Dead skull is perfectly carved...
Agustin Roque created this stunning quail woodcarving. The painting of the codorniz is amazing, precise and harmonious. The coloring Agustin chose is...
Lovely little owl figure by artist Agustin Roque. Beautiful painting!
Origin: OaxacaDimensions: 4''Tall 2''Long 1.5''Wide